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Delegate Expectations & Awards

All delegates are expected to...
  • Prepare for the conference by researching their respective country and topic in advance and writing at least one position paper if in a standard committee.

  • Adhere to the Code of Conduct and Dress Code (listed below).

  • Listen to and follow any instructions from conference staff, who can be identified by their name-tags.

  • Actively participate in the committee’s debate, including but not limited to making speeches, caucusing, proposing resolutions and amendments, and voting.

  • Listen attentively and respectively during Opening and Closing ceremonies.

Individual & Delegation Awards


The Houston Area Model United Nations Conference will acknowledge delegations that do an exceptional job of representing their country. Although HAMUN provides awards, this recognition should not be construed as the primary purpose of attending a Model UN conference. To be considered for an award in a Standard Committee at HAMUN, a delegate must have submitted two position papers if in a standard committee, or one position paper if in a crisis committee unless your committee page specifies otherwise. Depending on the size of the committee, the following awards will be given out during Closing Ceremonies:


  • Best Delegate — to one delegate who demonstrates excellence in representation and performance in a single committee. This is the highest award offered in every committee.
  • Outstanding Delegate — to one who demonstrates outstanding and notable performance in committee.

  • Honorable Mentions — to acknowledge up to two delegates in each committee (depending on size) deserving of recognition for their performance.

  • Best Position Paper — to one delegate in each committee that writes the best position paper, as judged by the Dias of that committee according to the criteria described in the position paper instructions.

  • Best Large and Small Delegation — to two delegations given based on number and type of awards received. "Large" and "Small" delegation is determined by an over/under of the median size of delegation in attendance at conference.

Code of Conduct


HAMUN staff reserves the right to dismiss any participant from the conference due to a violation of any regulation. HAMUN will strictly enforce the following code of conduct at conference:


  • Name Badges & Credentials: For security purposes, name badges must be kept visible at all times by both delegates and faculty members.

  • Electronics: Delegates are permitted to use laptops during caucuses strictly for the purpose of crafting working papers/draft resolutions. Directors will be walking around to monitor computer use. Cell phones are permitted at the discretion of the chair, but should be used sparingly to contact parents and sponsors as needed. If any abuse of this privilege is suspected, cell phone use will be prohibited for the remainder of conference. Failure to adhere by this standard will result in ejection from committee. Other electronics may not be used during the event. Any delegate found using permitted electronics outside of conference-approved usage or using prohibited electronics will receive one warning from the dais. After this warning, sponsors will be notified.

  • Pre-written Resolutions: HAMUN strives to promote an environment that fosters diplomacy and negotiation in all committees. With this in mind, delegates are not permitted to bring pre-written resolutions of any kind to the conference.

  • Notes: Note passing will be permitted in committees at the discretion of the dais and may be suspended at any time. Notes must be professional and pertinent to the topic. Notes that are inappropriate in nature will not be tolerated and will be turned over to sponsors. Violations of this rule will result in suspension of note passing and action may be taken by the Secretary-General in regards to the sender(s) of the notes in question.

  • Smoking, Alcohol, & Drugs: Smoking is prohibited in all conference buildings at all times. Alcohol and illegal drugs are prohibited at all times and in all places, including any part of campus. Any delegate caught in possession of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs will be barred from any and all future conferences and sent home immediately.

  • Sexual Harassment: Sexual harassment is prohibited. Incidents of sexual harassment should be immediately reported to a faculty or a conference staff member. The Secretary-General will deal with these problems directly. This conference defines sexual harassment as:

  1.  An unwanted sexual advance that may take the form of inappropriate sexual or suggestive comments, sounds, or jokes; unsolicited touching.
  2. Such conduct that has the purpose effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual’s academic performance, or of creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive educational, social, living or working environment.

Dress Code

All delegates at HAMUN must adhere to the following dress code. Delegates who are not dressed appropriately will be sent home. Sponsors are responsible for enforcing this dress code from the moment students step on the bus to drop them off at conference until the end of HAMUN. 


  • Suits: A suit always looks professional and is the best option.

  • Shirts & Tops: Gentlemen must wear a collared button-down shirt that is tucked in at all times. Ties are always recommended. Ladies may wear a blouse, sweater or button down shirt. T-shirts are not permitted.

  • Pants & Bottoms: Slacks and suit pants are acceptable, preferable in dark colors. Ladies, skirts are always appropriate, but these should not be more than two inches about the knee (this policy will be strictly enforced. Jeans, shorts, or cargo pants are not permitted.

  • Shoes: Gentlemen should wear dress shoes. Ladies may wear closed toed heels or dress flats. No sneakers, sandals, or flip-flops.

  • Hair: Keep hair looking professional at all times. Hairstyles should not detract from your overall appearance. 

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